Spring 2011: Costume Design

The results of my three projects in Costume Design this semester.

The first was, predictably, Oedipus Rex.

It’s a long time since these were due, so I can’t really think of much to say about them. Some of the figures turned out all right, and the designs in general turned out pretty solid in my and my professor’s opinion’s both.

The second project, which sent me into utter fits, was Hedda Gabler.

Considering I’ve really never done much in collage before, I think these turned out spectacularly well. Professor suggested a grey ink or paint wash behind the figures to make them stand out from the background better, and I agree; she also wished Hedda’s two dresses were less similar in color scheme.

After Hedda we only had two weeks of school left, so the last project was tiny; we just had to pick an existing TV show, invent an episode for it, and design four costumes for that episode. I decided to do mirrorverse Farscape.

Pretty good marker renderings, I think! I don’t know what else to say about these, except that Aeryn is my favorite by like a mile.

30 day meme days 9-10

Day 1: yourself
Day 2: favorite animal
Day 3: favorite food
Day 4: favorite place
Day 5: best friend
Day 6: favorite book character (can’t be a movie)
Day 7: favorite word
Day 8: favorite animated character

Day 9: favorite TV show
Day 10: favorite candy

I was legitimately held up on day 9, not for lack of trying, but because I couldn’t pick a single TV show. There are plenty of shows that put hearts in my eyes, but I can’t think of one that’s influenced me more than Star Trek: The Next Generation.

I’m not a big candy eater; when I want something sweet I tend to go for baked goods instead, and my friends all think I’m insane because I like the actual cake better than the frosting. But when I do eat candy, I am totally easy for anything with peanuts or peanut butter.

30 Day meme day 8

Day 1: yourself
Day 2: favorite animal
Day 3: favorite food
Day 4: favorite place
Day 5: best friend
Day 6: favorite book character (can’t be a movie)
Day 7: favorite word

Day 8: favorite animated character

30 Day meme days 5-6-7

Day 1: yourself
Day 2: favorite animal
Day 3: favorite food
Day 4: favorite place

Day 5: best friend
Day 6: favorite book character (can’t be a movie)
Day 7: favorite word

I don’t have a singular best friend right now, but this lady is the only person I still talk to from high school. The lines behind her are something else entirely on the previous page.

Leaning against the wind was like leaning against a wall. Hilary pulled off her hat and let her thick bobbed hair blow out behind her, so that she looked like one of the floating singing angels in the church below. . . . [She] advanced to the parapet, leaning over between the pierced battlements to stare out southward over the Fen.

Hilary Thorpe from The Nine Tailors by Dorothy Sayers.

I don’t have a favorite word, so I asked a friend and she said hers was lechuga and it was Spanish for lettuce. Blame her.

30 Day meme day 4

Day 1: yourself
Day 2: favorite animal
Day 3: favorite food

Day 4: favorite place

This was a tough one. I went with Millennium Park, eventually, because I spend so much time there when it’s nice out. One of my favorite things to do in summer is grab a sandwich from 7-11 and go sit on the grass and read a romance novel or something.

30 Day meme day 3

Day 1: yourself
Day 2: favorite animal

Day 3: favorite food

I like all kinds of vaguely healthy things too! Like crab salad and Cobb salads and apple pie and lamb curry with mutter paneer. But if there is a single food I am endlessly easy for, it’s a nice hot greasy sausage-egg-and-cheese sandwich on a biscuit.

Oh God, I desperately need to get my scanner working and I am so sorry :C

30 Day meme day 2

Day 1: Yourself
Day 2: Favorite animal

My friends all have entertaining favorite animals like Eohippus and Megalodon and jellyfish. Me, I just like puppies.

30 Day meme day 1

AHAHA I love how I was all determined to keep this thing going and then didn’t post for over two months, and this had no effect whatsoever on my view count. That’s a little sad.

Anyway, here I am; I will be updating with schoolwork from Figure Drawing and Costume Design I soon enough. But in the meantime, just to get back into the swing of putting my art up on the internets, and to sort of warm up preparatory to when I start posting an actual webcomic on June 1



I am doing this instead.

A friend alerted me to the existence of this 30 Day Drawing Challenge. There’s probably a bunch floating around, but since my friend is doing this one I might as well do it with her.

Day 1: draw a self-portrait.

For the record, this is what I actually look like, as of an hour ago when I got home from class:

This is what I drew– without benefit of a mirror, because there wasn’t one handy when I had time free:

Although I did ask someone else sitting nearby whether it looked like me. She thought it did, a bit; I am unsure.

It’s a passable head; at absolute minimum, it shows a basic understanding of how heads work. But I’m not sure it’s me.

sketchbook 11-17: seurat, observation, michelangelo

Hey so I may be terrible at getting things posted, but I am not behind on my sketchbook, I swear! (Well, not very.) So I will go on and upload things for the next few days until I am caught up on both– it’ll just mean an extra trip or two to the Art Institute.

Also– we produce a huge volume of drawings in my Figure Drawing class and are expected to pick out the three or four best every few weeks to turn in for actual grading! And this week is the first week we’re doing that, so I will post the ones I actually end up turning in, how’s that, Internet?

Anyway, my last Seurat copy. Somehow the stippling turned out terrible– nowhere near as good as the other two, possibly because I actually did this on the tail of a bunch of other stuff and my leg was cramping– but the hair looks pretty good. Why is this my life.

Three pages of observation– one from group therapy, two from a meeting. I think I want to try drawing at group again this week– it’s a tiny group but no one minds, and even from this you can tell that everyone’s body language is so distinctive.

And from the meeting: I don’t know why everyone moved around so much more in a meeting than in therapy, but I had to draw a lot faster. Weirdly, my favorite is the girl with the glasses in the lower left of the second page– it’s the loosest scribbliest thing ever, but damn if it doesn’t look just like her.

And three Michelangelo copies. They aren’t very thorough copies, because I like to limit myself to 30-40 minutes on a copy (more like an hour for the Seurats, because stippling is such a pain in the ass). Which I totally do not regulate by watching Star Trek and doing one drawing an episode, and you will never prove that I do– anyway, I thought Michelangelo would be nice and straightforward and useful to copy, but it turns out unsurprisingly that he is INTIMIDATING AS FUCK. In retrospect these aren’t that bad, especially the first, but if they all look kind of like I gave up mid-drawing I’m sorry to say it’s because I did. There is so much detail in there, and all the forms are so emphatically modeled, that it’s really difficult to simplify the figure and sort out which lines and shadows are really important to making a recognizable figure vs. which are Michelangelo being enthusiastic about detail.

I almost wish I’d saved the links to these images; I’d like to try them again when I’m feeling more confident.

sketchbook 8-10: observation, copying seurat

I had never done IRL observational drawing of people before. That shit is hard. People on my Google Reader are always posting these really effective, detailed little sketches of strangers around them, and I have no idea how you can produce a drawing that effective in the like five seconds before your subject stands up and wanders away. I know, I know, it’s a practice thing.

In other news: stippling. The original drawings I copied weren’t stippled, but they were Seurat, and done on heavily textured paper, so I thought I might as well. Thus: adventures in markmaking.

It took me until like halfway through the first drawing to get really tired of stippling. The effect is really great when it works (and I do like this one a lot!)

By the time I had made serious progress on this second, I kind of wanted to throw out every drawing implement I own that has a point. Give me charcoal, oh my god, and brushes and ink and stuff I can smear everywhere. Hence the background on this one, which . . . self, when will you learn that deliberately varying the markmaking in a drawing never looks nearly as awesome as you think it will?

There is a third drawing waiting to be copied, but I cannot cope with it right now. Too many dots. o_o It will sit open in a tab, making me guilty, until I deal with it over the weekend or something.

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